Melbourne Stone Pavers - Installation and Maintenance


No representations or warranties are made regarding the information contained here within and/or in any literature. Since factors including materials used, installation techniques, environmental conditions, etc. vary for each particular installation site or area, MBC Distributors Pty Ltd does not guarantee the results by utilizing any of the information contained herein.


We suggest laying pavers on a wet mortar bed and mortar joint (minimum of 5mm) to allow for variations found in handmade products. We suggest the use of a bonding agent additive in each mix.


Keep pavers as clean as possible during installation. When mortar jointing, sponge pavers with clean water as soon as possible to prevent mortar drying and staining pavers. Do not use hydrochloric acid for cleaning pavers. We recommend MSeal range of cleaners for cleaning pavers after laying and before sealing.


The use of sealer is recommended to assist in stain prevention, maintenance, cleanliness and the transmission of salts (efforescence). We recommend the MSeal range of sealers.